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【Godot 3.2】4.Instancing 实例

发表于 2020-8-6 21:28:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Creating a single scene and adding nodes into it might work for small projects, but as a project grows in size and complexity, the number of nodes can quickly become unmanageable. To address this, Godot allows a project to be separated into any number of scenes. This provides you with a powerful tool that helps you organize the different components of your game.

In Scenes and nodes you learned that a scene is a collection of nodes organized in a tree structure, with a single node as the tree root.
在“ 场景和节点”中,您了解到场景是以树结构组织的节点的集合,其中单个节点为树的根。

You can create as many scenes as you like and save them to disk. Scenes saved in this manner are called "Packed Scenes" and have a .tscn filename extension.

Once a scene has been saved, it can be instanced into another scene as if it were any other node.

In the above picture, Scene B was added to Scene A as an instance.

Instancing by example

To learn how instancing works, let's start by downloading a sample project: instancing.zip.

Unzip this project anywhere you like. Then open Godot and add this project to the project manager using the 'Import' button:

Browse to the folder you extracted and open the "project.godot" file you can find inside it. After doing this, the new project will appear on the list of projects. Edit the project by pressing the 'Edit' button.
浏览到您提取的文件夹,然后打开其中的“ project.godot”文件。完成此操作后,新项目将出现在项目列表中。按下“编辑”按钮来编辑项目。

This project contains two scenes: "Ball.tscn" and "Main.tscn". The ball scene uses a RigidBody2D to provide physics behavior while the main scene has a set of obstacles for the ball to collide with (using StaticBody2D).
该项目包含两个场景:“ Ball.tscn”和“ Main.tscn”。球场景使用RigidBody2D提供物理行为,而主场景具有一组球碰撞的障碍物(使用StaticBody2D)。

Open the Main scene, and then select the root node:

We want to add an instance of the Ball scene as a child of Main. Click the "link"-shaped button (its hover-text says "Instance a scene file as a Node.") and select the Ball.tscn file.

The ball will be placed at the top-left corner of the screen area (this is (0, 0) in screen coordinates). Click and drag the ball somewhere near the top-center of the scene:
球将放置在屏幕区域的左上角( 在屏幕坐标中)。单击并将球拖动到场景顶部中心附近的某个位置:(0, 0)

Press "Play" and watch the ball fall to the bottom of the screen:

Multiple instances

You can add as many instances as you like to a scene, either by using the "Instance" button again, or by clicking on the ball instance and pressing Ctrl + D (Cmd + D on macOS) to duplicate it:
您可以根据需要向场景中添加任意多个实例,方法是再次使用“实例”按钮,或者单击球形实例并按 Ctrl + DCmd + D在macOS上)复制它:

Run the scene again and all of the balls will fall.

Editing instances

Open the Ball scene, expand the PhysicsMaterial by clicking on it, and set the Bounce property to 1.

Press "Play" and notice that all of the instanced balls are now much more bouncy. Because the instanced balls are based on the saved scene, changes to that scene will affect all instances.

You can also adjust individual instances. Set the bounce value back to 0 and then in the Main scene, select one of the instanced balls. Resources like PhysicsMaterial are shared between instances by default, so we need to make it unique. Click on the down arrow and select "Make Unique". Set its Bounce to 1 and press "Play".
您还可以调整单个实例。将反弹值设置为0 ,然后在Main场景中选择一个实例球。PhysicsMaterial默认情况下,类似资源在实例之间共享,因此我们需要使其唯一。单击向下箭头,然后选择“设为唯一”。将其设置 Bounce1,然后按“播放”。

Notice that a grey "revert" button appears next to the adjusted property. When this button is present, it means you modified a property in the instanced scene to override its value in the saved scene. Even if that property is modified in the original scene, the custom value will remain. Pressing the revert button will restore the property to the value in the saved scene.


Instancing can be useful when you want to create many copies of the same object. It is also possible to create instances in code by using GDScript, see Instancing (continued).

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