本帖最后由 夜行的猫仔 于 2014-1-29 01:26 编辑
这个主题包含了NGUI 3.0.X官网示例Tutorial 1----Tutorial 5 一共5个例题
NGUI 3.0.X官网示例 Tutorial 1--Scene
首先按需要下载NGUI,我们用的是NGUI3.0.5版本,可以在这里下载:NGUI v.3.0.5 NGUI最新版本
这个章节要讲的就是第一个例子 Tutorial 1 - Scene
2)在Open菜单中执行 UI Wizard,打开UI生成向导
3)因为是空项目,所以这里什么都不用修改直接点Create Your UI按钮生成UI Root (2D)。这个时候Hierarchy面板中还有一个默认的摄像机,在创建好UI以后就可以删掉了,NGUI中自带了摄像机。
Before moving on, let’s examine what the wizard has created for us.
- 在2D Root 上有个 UIRoot 脚本(NGUI控件说明(中文) UIRoot ). This script rescales the object it’s on to be 2/ScreenHeight in size, letting you specify widget coordinates in pixels and still have them be relatively small when compared to the rest of your game world.
- Camera object contains the Camera and the UICamera script. The NGUI控件说明(中文) UICamera script contains NGUI’s event system.
- Anchor contains the NGUI控件说明(中文) UIAnchor script. Although this script can be used to “attach” widgets to sides of the screen, in this case it’s used to apply a half-pixel offset on Windows machines, for pixel-perfect results.
- Panel object has a UIPanel(NGUI控件说明(中文) UIPanel ) on it. The UIPanel is a container that will collect all UI widgets under it and will combine them into as few draw calls as possible.
You may also notice that the Panel game object is currently selected. This is a hint — all widgets you will be adding in the next step will be automatically parented to the panel.
NGUI控件说明(中文) UIWidget