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2D Blending

发表于 2014-3-28 11:18:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The first option in the Inspector of a Blend Node is the The Blend Type. This drop-down is used to select one of the different blend types that can blend according to one or two parameters. The 2D blending types blends the child motions according to two parameters.
The different 2D Blend Types have different uses that they are suitable for. They differ in how the influence of each motion is calculated.
2D Simple Directional 2D简单定向Best used when your motions represent different directions, such as "walk forward", "walk backward", "walk left", and "walk right", or "aim up", "aim down", "aim left", and "aim right". Optionally a single motion at position (0, 0) can be included, such as "idle" or "aim straight". In the Simple Directional type there should not be multiple motions in the same direction, such as "walk forward" and "run forward".
当你的动作表现为不同的方向(就像“向前走”、“向后走”、“向左走”和“向右走”,或“”“朝向上”、“朝向下”、“朝向做”和“朝向右”)时,你可以使用这个混合类型。当然你可以选择“等待”或者“朝向前”作为原点动作。在简单定向模式中应该尽量避免使用相同朝向的动作,比如“向前走”和“向前跑”。2D Freeform Directional 2D自由定向This blend type is also used when your motions represent different directions, however you can have multiple motions in the same direction, for example "walk forward" and "run forward". In the Freeform Directional type the set of motions should always include a single motion at position (0, 0), such as "idle".
这个混合类型同样也用于混合朝向不同的动作,虽然你也可以混合像“向前走”和“向前跑”这样的动作。在自由定向模式下,动作集合一般都应该有一个位于原点的动作,比如“等待”。2D Freeform Cartesian 2D自由笛卡尔坐标Best used when your motions do not represent different directions. With Freeform Cartesian your X parameter and Y parameter can represent different concepts, such as angular speed and linear speed. An example would be motions such as "walk forward no turn", "run forward no turn", "walk forward turn right", "run forward turn right" etc.
这种模式最好使用在你的各个动作间没有明显朝向区别的时候。在使用自由笛卡尔坐标时,你可以在X轴和Y轴上分别使用不同的定义,比如“角速度”和“线速度”。比如这样一些子动作:“向前走动不转弯”、“向前跑动不转弯”、“向前走动转向右”、“向前跑动转向右”等。After setting the Blend Type, the first thing you need is to select the two Animation Parameters that will control this Blend Tree. In this example, the parameters are velocityX (strafing) and velocityZ (forward speed).
Then you can add individual animations by clicking + -> Add Motion Field to add an Animation Clip to the blend tree. When you're done, it should look something like this:
你可以通过点击“+”-> 添加动作区域(Add Motion Field)来为混合树添加一个动画剪辑。当你完成这些以后,你可以看到想这样的一个检视器:

A 2D Blend Node with five Animation Clips.
The positions in 2D blending are like the thresholds in 1D blending, except that there are two values instead of one, corresponding to each of the two parameters. Their positions along the horizontal X axis correspond to the first parameter, and their positions along the vertical Y axis correspond to the second parameter. A walking forward animation might have a velocityX of 0 and a velocityZ of 1.5, so those values should be typed into the Pos X and Pos Y number fields for the motion.
2D混合中的位置(position)就像是1D混合中的临界值(thresholds)一样(除了2D中使用两个参数代替了1D中的一个以外)。位置中的水平X轴对应第一个参数,而垂直Y轴对应第二个参数。一个向前移动动画可能有0速度的X分量和1.5速度的Z分量,所以应该把这些值写在动作Pos X和Pos Y的对应数值区域内。
The 2D Blending Diagram
The diagram at the top of the Inspector shows the positions of the child motions in the 2D blend space. The motions are shown as blue dots. Motions with no Animation Clip or Blend Tree assigned have no influence on the blend and are shown as gray dots. You can select a motion by clicking on its dot in the diagram. Once selected, the influence of that motion for each point in the blending space is visualized as a blue field. The field is strongest right under the position of the motion, where the motion has full influence, meaning that its animation weight is 1 and the other animations have a weight of 0. Further away the influence decreases as the influence of other motions take over.

The diagram at the top of the Blend Node Inspector visualizes the weights of the child motions over the extends of the parameter values.
The red dot indicates the values of the two Parameters. If you press Play in the Preview at the bottom of the Inspector and drag the red dot in the diagram around, you can see how the values of the parameters are controlling the blending of the different motions. In the diagram you can also see the influence of each motion represented as circles around each motion. You will see that if you move the red dot on top of one of the blue dots representing a motion, the circle for that motion gains its maximum radius and the circles for all other motions shrink down to nothing. At positions that are in between several motions, multiple of the nearby motions will have an influence on the blend. If you select one of the motions in order to see the blue influence field of that motion, you can see that as you move the red dot around, the circle size of the motion corresponds exactly with how strong the influence field is at various positions.
When no motion is selected, the diagram shows a mix of all the influence fields that is more blue where a single motion dominates and less blue where many motions contribute to the blend.
Positions 位置You can change the positions of a motion by clicking on its corresponding blue dot in the diagram and dragging it around. You can also edit position coordinates of a motion in the motion list by typing in numbers in the number fields in the Pos X and Pos Y columns.
你可以通过点击拖动某个示意区域中的蓝色动画点来改变他的“位置”。你也可以通过编辑动作列表中的Pos X和Pos Y列中的数字来直接改变他们。
The Compute Positions drop-down will set the positions from data of your choice obtained from the root motions in the Animation Clips. The data that is available to choose from is speed, velocity x, y, or x, and angular speed in degrees or radians. If one or both of your parameterscorrespond to one of these properties, you can compute the Pos X and/or Pos Y using the Compute Positions drop-down.
“计算位置”(Compute Positions)下拉菜单将会设置根据你导入模型中的根动作自动选择设置位置的值。可选的数据包括速度,x、y、z方向速度分量,和基于角度或弧度的角速度。如果一个或者全部两个参数符合上面那些属性,你可以使用“计算位置”下拉菜单计算Pos X和/或 Pos Y的值。
  • Velocity XZ

    Sets the Pos X of each motion according to its velocity.x and the Pos Y according to its velocity.z.
    每个动作的Pos X根据X方向分量设置;Pos Y根据Z方向分量设置。
  • Speed And Angular Speed

    Sets the Pos X of each motion according to its angular speed (in radians per second) and the Pos Y according to its speed.
    每个动作的Pos X根据角速度(每秒角度)设置;Pos Y 根据速度设置。

Furthermore you can mix and match by choosing Compute Position -> X Position From and/or Compute Position -> Y Position From to only auto-compute one of them at a time, leaving the other unchanged.
另外,你可以通过只选择“计算位置” ->“ 从…计算X位置”(X Position From)和/或 “计算位置” ->“ 从…计算Y位置”(Y Position From)分别计算每个分量,并保持另一个分量不变。
  • Speed 速度
    Sets the Pos X or Pos Y of each motion according to its speed (the magnitude of the velocity).
  • Velocity X

    Sets the Pos X or Pos Y of each motion according to its velocity.x.
  • Velocity Y

    Sets the Pos X or Pos Y of each motion according to its velocity.y.
  • Velocity Z

    Sets the Pos X or Pos Y of each motion according to its velocity.z.
  • Angular Speed (Rad)

    Sets the Pos X or Pos Y of each motion according to its angular speed in radians per second.
  • Angular Speed (Deg)

    Sets the Pos X or Pos Y of each motion according to its angular speed in degrees per second.

Say, for example, that your parameters correspond to sideways velocity and forward velocity, and that you have an idle animation with an average velocity (0, 0, 0), a walk animation with (0, 0, 1.5), and two strafe animations with velocities of (-1.5, 0, 0) and (1.5, 0, 0) respectively. Choosing the Velocity XZ option from the drop-down would set the positions of the motions according to the X and Z coordinates of those velocities.
举个例子来说,你可以根据侧向移动和前向移动分别设置两个参数,这样你就会在平均速度(0, 0, 0)处得到一个等待动画,在(0, 0, 1.5)处得到一个走动动画,并且在(-1.5,,0, 0)和(1.5, 0, 0)处得到两个平移动画。从下拉菜单中选择“XZ速度”(Velocity XZ)选项将会根据X和Z方向分量速度设定动作的位置。

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