上次我发了个帖子,名为《OpenGL实现中文显示》。有朋友说使用 wglUseFontBitMapsW 函数就可以显示中文,由于考虑兼容问题,所以没有在原文给出实现方法。后来觉得使用 Window9X/Me 的人越来越少,所以决定改进一下原来的代码,以便支持 Unicode 编码。修改后的代码如下:
unit Unit2;
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Graphics, GL, GLu, GLext;
Type PGLFont = ^TGLFont; TGLFont = record b3D : Boolean; //三维字体? bBold : Boolean; //粗体? bItalic : Boolean; //斜体? Height : Integer; Weight : Integer; CharSet : Cardinal; //字符集 Typeface: PChar; //字体 end; TGLText = class private bUniCode : Boolean; //OS支持Unicode吗? GLStrEng : PChar; //英文字串 GLStrChn : PChar; //中文字串
procedure Build(srcDC: HDC; glStr: PChar; glFont: PGLFont); procedure GetWinVer; procedure wglUseFontBitmapsExt(srcDC : HDC; First, Count, ListBase : DWORD); public constructor Create(srcDC : HDC; EngStr, ChnStr : PChar; EngFont, ChnFont : PGLFont); destructor Destroy; override; procedure glShowStr(glStr : PChar); end;
{ TGLText } procedure TGLText.Build(srcDC: HDC; glStr: PChar; glFont: PGLFont); var i, Chartmp : Byte; CharW : PWideChar;
Font, oFont : HFONT; glBold : Integer; glItalic : Cardinal; dwChar : DWORD; gmf : GLYPHMETRICSFLOAT; begin
if glFont.bBold then glBold := FW_BOLD else glBold := FW_NORMAL;
if glFont.bItalic then glItalic := 1 else glItalic := 0;
Font := CreateFont(glFont.Height, glFont.Weight, 0, 0, glBold, glItalic, 0, 0, glFont.CharSet, OUT_TT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, ANTIALIASED_QUALITY, FF_DONTCARE or DEFAULT_PITCH, glFont.Typeface);
oFont := SelectObject(srcDC, Font);
if glStr = 'All English' then begin if bUniCode then if glFont.b3D then wglUseFontOutLinesW(srcDC, 32, 125, 32, 0, 0, WGL_FONT_POLYGONS, @gmf) else wglUseFontBitMapsW(srcDC, 32, 125, 32) else if glFont.b3D then wglUseFontOutLines(srcDC, 32, 125, 32, 0, 0, WGL_FONT_POLYGONS, @gmf) else wglUseFontBitMaps(srcDC, 32, 125, 32); end else begin i := 0; While i < Length(glStr) do begin if bUniCode then begin GetMem(CharW, (Length(glStr) + 1) * 2); StringToWideChar(glStr, CharW, Length(glStr) + 1); dwChar := Word(CharW); if glFont.b3D then wglUseFontOutLinesW(srcDC, dwChar, 1, dwChar, 0, 0, WGL_FONT_POLYGONS, @gmf) else wglUseFontBitMapsW(srcDC, dwChar, 1, dwChar); FreeMem(CharW, (Length(glStr) + 1) * 2); i := i + 1; end else begin Chartmp := Byte(glStr); if glStr in LeadBytes then begin dwChar := ((Chartmp shl 8) or Byte(glStr[i+1])); i := i + 2; end else begin dwChar := Chartmp; i := i + 1; end; if glFont.b3D then wglUseFontOutLines(srcDC, dwChar, 1, dwChar, 0, 0, WGL_FONT_POLYGONS, @gmf) else wglUseFontBitMapsExt(srcDC, dwChar, 1, dwChar); end; end; end;
SelectObject(srcDC, oFont); DeleteObject(Font);
constructor TGLText.Create(srcDC : HDC; EngStr, ChnStr: PChar; EngFont, ChnFont: PGLFont); begin GetWinVer;
GLStrEng := EngStr; GLStrChn := ChnStr;
if EngStr <> nil then Build(srcDC, EngStr, EngFont);
if ChnStr <> nil then Build(srcDC, ChnStr, ChnFont);
destructor TGLText.Destroy; var i, Chartmp : Byte; CharW : PWideChar; dwChar : DWORD; begin
if GLStrEng <> nil then if GLStrEng = 'All English' then begin glDeleteLists(32, 93); end else begin i := 0; While i < Length(GLStrEng) do begin dwChar := Byte(GLStrEng); glDeleteLists(dwChar, 1); i := i + 1; end; end;
if GLStrChn <> nil then begin i := 0; While i < Length(GLStrChn) do begin if bUniCode then begin GetMem(CharW, (Length(GLStrChn) + 1) * 2); StringToWideChar(GLStrChn, CharW, Length(GLStrChn) + 1); dwChar := Word(CharW); glDeleteLists(dwChar, 1); FreeMem(CharW, (Length(GLStrChn) + 1) * 2); i := i + 1; end else begin Chartmp := Byte(GLStrChn); if GLStrChn in LeadBytes then begin dwChar := ((Chartmp shl 8) or Byte(GLStrChn[i+1])); i := i + 2; end else begin dwChar := Chartmp; i := i + 1; end; glDeleteLists(dwChar, 1); end; end; end;
inherited Destroy;
procedure TGLText.GetWinVer; var VersionInfo: TOSVersionInfo; begin VersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(VersionInfo); GetVersionEx(VersionInfo); if Versioninfo.dwPlatformId < 2 then bUniCode := False else bUniCode := True; end;
procedure TGLText.glShowStr(glStr : PChar); var i, Chartmp : Byte; CharW : PWideChar; dwChar : DWORD; begin
i := 0; While i < Length(glStr) do begin if bUniCode then begin GetMem(CharW, (Length(glStr) + 1) * 2); StringToWideChar(glStr, CharW, Length(glStr) + 1); dwChar := Word(CharW); FreeMem(CharW, (Length(glStr) + 1) * 2); i := i + 1;
glCallList(dwChar); end else begin Chartmp := Byte(glStr); if glStr in LeadBytes then begin dwChar := ((Chartmp shl 8) or Byte(glStr[i+1])); i := i + 2; end else begin dwChar := Chartmp; i := i + 1; end; glCallList(dwChar); end; end;
procedure TGLText.wglUseFontBitmapsExt(srcDC: HDC; First, Count, ListBase: DWORD); var i : DWORD; size : DWORD; gm : GLYPHMETRICS; hBits : THANDLE; lpBits : PGLubyte; mat : MAT2; begin
mat.eM11.fract := 0; mat.eM11.value := 1; mat.eM12.fract := 0; mat.eM12.value := 0; mat.eM21.fract := 0; mat.eM21.value := 0; mat.eM22.fract := 0; mat.eM22.value := -1;
for i := 0 to Count - 1 do begin glNewList(ListBase+i, GL_COMPILE);
size := GetGlyphOutline(srcDC, First+i, GGO_BITMAP, gm, 0, nil, mat);
hBits := GlobalAlloc(GHND, size); lpBits := GlobalLock(hBits);
GetGlyphOutline(srcDC, //* handle to device context */ First+i, //* character to query */ GGO_BITMAP, //* format of data to return */ gm, //* pointer to structure for metrics */ size, //* size of buffer for data */ lpBits, //* pointer to buffer for data */ mat //* pointer to transformation */ //* matrix structure */ );
glBitmap(gm.gmBlackBoxX,gm.gmBlackBoxY, gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.x, gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.y, gm.gmCellIncX,gm.gmCellIncY, lpBits);
GlobalUnlock(hBits); GlobalFree(hBits);
glEndList; end;
unit Unit1;
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, DotWindow, GL, GLu, GLext, Unit2;
type TForm1 = class(TDotForm) procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure FormPaint(Sender: TObject); procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); private { Private declarations } fX, fY : Integer; MyText : TGLText;
procedure BuildLists; procedure Clearing; procedure DrawInfo; procedure InitGLStatus(width, height: GLsizei); public { Public declarations } end;
var Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin fX := 640; fY := 480; Self.BorderStyle := bsNone; Self.Height := fY; Self.Width := fX; Self.Context.DC := GetDC(Self.Handle); ShowCursor(False); end;
procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin Self.Context.QuickPF(32, 0, 24, 0); Self.Context.InitGL; InitGLStatus(Self.ClientWidth, Self.ClientHeight); BuildLists; end;
procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin MyText.Free; end;
procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject); begin clearing; DrawInfo; Self.Context.PageFlip; end;
procedure TForm1.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin case Key of VK_ESCAPE : begin Clearing; Self.Close; end; end; end;
procedure TForm1.Clearing; begin glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT or GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); end;
procedure TForm1.InitGLStatus(width, height: GLsizei); begin glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0.5); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); gluOrtho2D(-(fX div 2), fX div 2, -(fY div 2), fY div 2); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); end;
procedure TForm1.BuildLists; var StrE, StrC : TGLFont; begin //中、英文字体 StrE.b3D := False; StrE.bBold := False; StrE.bItalic := False; StrE.Height := 13; StrE.Weight := 0; StrE.CharSet:= ANSI_CHARSET; StrE.Typeface := 'Tahoma';
StrC.b3D := False; StrC.bBold := False; StrC.bItalic := False; StrC.Height := 13; StrC.Weight := 0; StrC.CharSet:= GB2312_CHARSET; StrC.Typeface := 'Tahoma';
MyText := TGLText.Create(Self.Context.DC, 'All English' , '这是中文请按键退出。……', @StrE, @StrC); end;
procedure TForm1.DrawInfo; begin glLoadIdentity; glRasterPos2f(-250, 200); MyText.glShowStr('这是中文。');
glRasterPos2f(-250, 150); MyText.glShowStr('These are English characters. ');
glRasterPos2f(-80, -80); MyText.glShowStr('请按 Esc 键退出……'); end;
我用 Delphi 6 以及 Delphi 2006(Delphi 10) 验证通过。 有疑问可以发帖,或者发邮件给我,地址如下: testerHooK@126.com 演示程序请见附件(含源代码)。
P.S. 演示程序用到了DOT工具,请到www.delphi3d.net下载最新版。