行文安排:前不份是翻译,后部分是自己的原创。 Frame Rate Independent Movement by Ben Dilts
翻译Kevin Lynx 2006-5-21
I have seen countless posts on this and other message boards, and even personal email has been sent to me, all asking the same question: How do I make it so my stupid objects move at the same speed if the frame rate rises or drops?
After a few months programming, I devised what I believe to be the most efficient and useful way to handle this problem. For the purposes of this article, I will encapsulate this functionality in its own class.
在几个月的编程以后,我设计了一个我认为最有效果且最有用的方法来解决这个问题。为了在这篇文章里达到这个目的,我把那些有作用的东西封装成一个类: class framerate{public: float targetfps; float fps; LARGE_INTEGER tickspersecond; LARGE_INTEGER currentticks; LARGE_INTEGER framedelay; float speedfactor; void Init(float tfps); void SetSpeedFactor();};
I leave all the members public because they work independently of each other and are all useful in some way to the outside program.。
Here is the implementation, followed by some explanation:
以下是执行代码和一些解释: void framerate::Init(float tfps){ targetfps = tfps; QueryPerformanceCounter(&framedelay); QueryPerformanceFrequency(&tickspersecond);}void framerate::SetSpeedFactor(){ QueryPerformanceCounter(¤tticks); //This frame's length out of desired length speedfactor=(float)(currentticks.QuadPart-framedelay.QuadPart)/((float)tickspersecond.QuadPart/targetfps); fps = targetfps/speedfactor; if (speedfactor <= 0) speedfactor = 1; framedelay = currentticks;}
Some explanation: targetfps is passed into the Init function, but can be set at any time. It is the target frame rate for the program. This is used in the SetSpeedFactor function to determine what the speedfactor will be. Look down at my explanation of speedfactor.
targetfps 是由Init函数来设置的,但是它也可以在任何时候被设置。它用来表示程序中物体的帧率。这个被用在 SetSpeedFactor 函数里去决定 speedfactor 会怎么样。看下面对于speedfactor 的解释。
fps is the actual frame rate of the program. It is not really needed to make frame rate independent movement, but since it is so closely linked, I include it anyway.
fps 用来表示程序真实的帧率 。 它没有必要去让帧率成为独立的运动,但是很接近。(不明白这句话的意思)
tickspersecond is set in the Init function to be the number of ticks the high performance timer has per second.
currentticks is set in the SetSpeedFactor function to be the current high performance timer ticks.
framedelay is the previous frame currentticks.
tickspersecond 在Init函数里被设置成每秒的tick数。
currentticks 在SetSpeedFactor 被设置成当前时钟 ticks .
framedelay 是前一帧的 ticks。
speedfactor is the heart of this class. When it is set is SetSpeedFactor, it becomes a number that you multiply all your motion by. For instance, if the targetfps is 100, and the actual fps is 85, the speedfactor will be set to 100/85, or about 1.2. You then multiply all your motion ib the game, at its lowest level, by this number.
speedfactor 是这个类的核心。当它在SetSpeedFactor中被设置时,它成为一个****的数。举个例子,如果物体的FPS是100,而真实的FPS是85,speedfactor就会被设置为100/85,或者1.2。在游戏里你把所有的动作与这个数相乘,。。。。
For instance, rather than simply coding spaceship->MoveForward(5), I would code spaceship->MoveForward(5*framerate.speedfactor).
例如,比起简单地 spaceship->MoveForeward(5) ,我会这样写 spaceship->MoveForeward(5*frame.speedfactor); (在张勇的超级马力里有类似的方法)
In conclusion: This simple routine saves a whole heap of trouble. Just plug it into almost any game or other real-time program. Call Init at the beginning of the program, and then each frame call SetSpeedFactor. Then multiply all your movement by the speedfactor. It is that simple. Now stop flooding those message boards
这个简单的事例解决了很多问题,你可以在游戏里或者任何实时程序里。在程序开始时调用Init,然后在程序的每一帧里调用SetSpeedFactor 。然后把所有物体的移动都乘上speedfactor。这确实很简单,以后就别来发消息给我了 (。)
假设我们想把我们的游戏的FPS限制在85,85即是我们想要的帧率,这里我以 want_fps 表示;但是游戏真正的FPS呢?真正的FPS会随着机器性能的高低而明显不同,我用 actual_fps 表示 ;精灵sprite 每次坐标增加量用 coor_add 表示。
那么,当 actual_fps == want_fps 时,sprite_coor += coor_add ; 这是很理想的状态;当actual_fps < want_fps时,这个时候的表现就是,精灵比我要求动作的速度慢了----因为逻辑更新的间隔变大了,这个时候要想精灵的速度不变(或者变化很小),那么,我们就要加大coor_add ,这里, coor_add 显然是和 actual_fps 和 want_fps 有关系的。
于是我们可以这样做: sprite_coor += coor_add * (want_fps / actual_fps) ; 因为现在 actual_fps < want_fps ,所以其比值就大于 1 ,这样就可以增大这个坐标增加量。
同理,当 actual_fps > want_fps 时, want_fps ./ actual_fps 就小于1,这样就缩小了坐标增加量。
我们所要做的,也就是得到 want_fps / actual_fps 的比值,也就是上文中的 speedfactor,
1. 按照我们以往计算FPS的方式算出实际的FPS,然后再根据希望的FPS来得到
2. 这也是更为通用的方法,也是上文的方法,即通过时间间隔直接计算,反过来根据这个值来计算实际的FPS。
设欲求比值为speedfactor, 要求达到的FPS为 want_fps ,实际的FPS为 actual_fps ,游戏主循环上次得到的时间TICK为 last_tick ,本次的TICK为 this_tick -(其实这里可以理解为毫秒时间)。
因为每循环一次,就更新一帧,于是更新一帧用的毫秒数为: (this_tick –last_tick )=è
更新一帧用时:(this_tick – last_tick) ===è 于是 :
actual_fps = 1 / [(this_tick – last_tick) / 1000]
= 1000 / (this_tick – last_tick) ====è
因为 want_fps 已知 ,根据 :
speedfactor = want_fps / actual_fps ===è
speedfactor = want_fps / actual_fps
= want_fps / [1000 / (this_tick – last_tick)]
=want_fps * (this_tick – last_tick) / 1000
=want_fps * 每一帧用的秒数
speedfactor = want_fps * (this_tick – last_tick) / 1000
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