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发表于 2005-8-8 12:11:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

作者:Brand Gamblin




我们中的很多人使用DirectDraw已经有一段时间了,我们已经习惯性地去Lock一个Surface,然后在上面绘制我们所想要的东西,最后通过调用Filp将BackSurface翻转到前面来。虽然我们已经书写了很多相关的代码,比如绘制Sprite,而且可以熟练地控制我们的Surface,但是好景不长,DirectX8改变了一切。如果你不想花时间去掌握它,而是指望利用DirectX8的向后兼容性而使用DX7中的东西时,是的,你不必改变什么,但是同时你也失去了DirectX8带来的好处:更快的Blit、Alpha blending、缩放、还有很多……

Many of us have been programming in DirectDraw for a while. We are used to locking our surfaces, writing out our screens, and flipping our buffers. We all have code for how to blit a sprite, and how to handle the surfaces. However, DirectX8 changes all that. While you can still count on backwards compatibility with DX7, you will be short-changing yourself on the improvements gained by moving to 3D (blit speed, alpha blending, stretching, etc.) .


This sample, called D2D, will show how you can still use 2D coding techniques in the 3D world, and how you can gain a speed increase over standard 2D DirectDraw code.


There are really only two basic parts to 2D programming. Rendering a bitmap, and writing directly to a surface (for lines, circles, etc.) This tutorial will show how to do that.


To render a 2D world, you only need a few object types (I using c++ here, because it is easier to show encapsulation). A D3D interface object, a simple polygon (assumed to be a rectangle), and a texture to apply to that polygon.


This sample will create a windowed program that simply displays a bitmap. The effect is not exactly stunning, but the process will be well worth the effort.

class D3DObj


D3DObj() : m_pD3D(NULL), m_pd3dDevice(NULL) { Clear(); }

~D3DObj() { Clear(); }

void Init( HWND hWnd);

void Clear();

int Render();




在这个D3DObj类中有2个成员变量:LPDIRECT3D8和LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8。在构造函数中,我们清空所有的成员变量(译注:通常,我们使用初始化列表来初始化类成员变量,这样的好处是:相比在构造函数中使用assignment来初始化成员变量,初始化列表要更有效率。详情请见《Effective C++》的条款12)。作为代替,我们利用另一个成员函数Init来进一步构造这2个成员变量,它需要传入一个窗口句柄来与之关联。

The D3D object has only two data members, a LPDIRECT3D8 and a LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8. While it is usually preferable to have a constructor provide the data initialization, this code will only clear out those data members. Instead, there is an Init function that provides the initialization of those data members, and receives the HWND of the rendering window.

void D3DObj::Clear()


SAFE_RELEASE( m_pd3dDevice);



Clear函数清除对应的指针,同时设为NULL(译注:SAFE_RELEASE的原型为#define SAFE_RELEASE(p) { if(p) { (p)->Release(); (p)=NULL; } } 这个宏在dxutil.h中定义)。

The Clear function just releases the pointers, and sets them to NULL.

void D3DObj::Init( HWND hWnd)


// 第一步,创建主D3d对象

m_pD3D = Direct3DCreate8( D3D_SDK_VERSION );

// 第二步,创建渲染设备(用来适应当前屏幕的像素格式)


m_pD3D->GetAdapterDisplayMode( D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, &d3ddm );


ZeroMemory( &d3dpp, sizeof(d3dpp) );

d3dpp.Windowed = TRUE;


d3dpp.BackBufferFormat = d3ddm.Format;

d3dpp.EnableAutoDepthStencil = TRUE;

d3dpp.AutoDepthStencilFormat = D3DFMT_D16;


// 第三步,设置渲染设备的属性

m_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState ( D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE);

m_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState ( D3DRS_LIGHTING, FALSE);

m_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState ( D3DRS_ZENABLE, TRUE);

// 设置Alpha Blending的顶点

m_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, TRUE );

m_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA );

m_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA );
m_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_MODULATE);

m_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_COLORARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE);

m_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_COLORARG2, D3DTA_DIFFUSE);
m_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_SELECTARG1);
m_pd3dDevice->SetVertexShader( D3DFVF_CUSTOMVERTEX );



 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-8 12:12:06 | 显示全部楼层
The code in the Init function is fairly straightforward. It should be noted that all of those functions have return values, and should be handled in proper debug fashion. The only reason it is not handled here is because this is sample code.

First, the main D3D object is created, and then the default display mode is examined (this sample works well in 16, 24, and 32-bit color, but not in 8-bit palletized mode). Using the default display mode, the Init function will create a device that utilizes the HWND of the main window. Next, the code sets a series of flags that tell how to render. These flags are well documented in the DX8 SDK, and other flipcode tutorials.

可以选择是否打开Z Buffer(译注:即深度)属性,这样在绘制如tile这样(译注:如游戏地图与精灵的关系)场景的时候,通过z值,可以很清楚地表现出位图之间的层次关系(译注:如树应该挡住人,而人应该挡住草地……),当然这会有一定开销。或者你更喜欢自己通过一个list来实现这种效果,这完全视个人的喜好。

Notice that the Z buffer is enabled for this sample. It might seem to make more sense to disable the Z-buffer, however, when tiling bitmaps inside a program (for dialog boxes, target reticules, etc.) it is a great comfort to be able to set a z value, rather than resort the render list. This is, of course, purely a matter of personal preference.

因为在3D世界里,所有的渲染都是针对多边形的,接下来我们需要设置多边形的诸个顶点的值和颜色,这里不需要对它们进行映射或culling(所有的对象将直接对应整个屏幕)。我们会在texture上绘制我们想要的颜色,它不需要光照(虽然它是一个很酷的效果,如果运用得当的话)。打开AlphaBlending,接着设置texture的Alpha Blending相关属性,同样,也需要设置使用标记顶点的渐变属性。

Since this program will provide the vertex coordinates and colors on its own, there is no need for projection or culling (all objects will be facing the screen). Since the texture will be providing its own color data, there is no need for lighting (although this could be a cool special effect if applied properly). Alpha blending is enabled, and the texture is set to provide the alpha blending parameters. Also, vertex shader is set to recognize the vertex type that is used.

int D3DObj::Render()


D3DCOLOR_XRGB(0,0,255), 1.0f, 0L );


// Rendering of scene objects happens here.

m_pd3dDevice->SetTexture( 0, MyRect.m_Texture.pTexture );

m_pd3dDevice->SetStreamSource( 0, MyRect.m_VertexBuffer, sizeof(CUSTOMVERTEX) );

m_pd3dDevice->DrawPrimitive( D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP , 0, 2 );

// End the scene.


m_pd3dDevice->resent( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );

return 0;



This is the only other function in the D3Dobj definition. This is the function that actually does all the work; for a 2D programmer, this is the equivalent to the DirectDraw Flip function.

首先,清空所有的缓冲(注:虽然这只是个2D的程序,不过Z Buffer的效果依然存在),接着,我们将背景用纯蓝色填充,当前的texture和顶点缓冲指向一个MyRect对象(下面很快会讲到这个)。在做完所有的设置工作后,调用DrawPrimitive函数来绘制这个矩形,我们通过设置4个顶点来表示2个三角形(译注:3D环境下的渲染单位为三角形),用它们来表示出我们所想要的矩形。先用3个顶点定义出第1个三角形Triangle0,再用第4个顶点来定义出第2个三角形Triangle1,它与Triangle0有两个相同的顶点(如图)。

First, all buffers are cleared (note, even though this is a 2D program, the Z buffer is still cleared) and the screen is filled with blue. Then the current texture and vertex buffer are pointed at the MyRect object (we will get to that soon.). Once everything is set, DrawPrimitive is called to draw the rectangle. We draw a rectangle by drawing two triangles defined by four points. The first three points define Triangle0, the next point defines a triangle based on itself and the previous two points. (see graph).


After the primitive is cached (not really rendered yet), EndScene and Present are called, to really finish the frame rendering. EndScene tells Direct3D that there aren抰 any more polygons to render, and Present is the 3D equivalent of DirectDraw抯 Flip. It should be noted that this will only draw one bitmap (the one defined by MyRect). In any real application, this would be a loop, which read from a list (I use a vector) of polygons, setting the texture, setting the vertex buffer, and rendering the primitive for each of the polygons in the list.

 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-8 12:12:29 | 显示全部楼层

The Poly object encapsulates a vertex buffer and a texture pointer. The Poly object initializes the vertex buffer, and sets it to arbitrary (full-screen) coordinates.

class Poly



Poly() : m_VertexBuffer(NULL) { Init(); }

~Poly() { Clear(); }

void Clear();

void Init();

void SetVertRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, float d); // Sets the

rectangle used by the Verticies.


Texture m_Texture;


void Poly::Clear()





The Clear function just wipes the vertex buffer, and sets it to NULL.

void Poly::Init ()


// Create a 4-point vertex buffer

if( FAILED( MyD3D.m_pd3dDevice->CreateVertexBuffer(


&m_VertexBuffer) ) )

return ;


if( FAILED( m_VertexBuffer->Lock( 0, 4*sizeof(CUSTOMVERTEX),

(BYTE**)&pVertices, 0 ) ) )

return ;

pVertices[0].position=D3DXVECTOR3( -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f );




pVertices[1].position=D3DXVECTOR3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f );




pVertices[2].position=D3DXVECTOR3( -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.5f );




pVertices[3].position=D3DXVECTOR3( 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.5f );





 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-8 12:12:46 | 显示全部楼层

First, the Init function creates a vertex buffer with four points. This is a fairly straightforward function (receives the size of the buffer, the type of vertex, the memory pool to grab it from, and the pointer used to return the buffer).


Next, the buffer is locked so that we have access to the actual data. The lock function returns the pointer to our data.

然后,正确地填写每一个顶点的值。需要注意的是,所有在屏幕上的坐标,都是基于-1.0和1.0之间的。很明显,第3个值是指的Z Buffer,它基于0.0和1.0之间。

After that, we set each vertex to the correct values. All position values are based on the assumption that the screen goes from -1.0 to 1.0 in both the X and Y direction, with the origin at the center of the screen. The third value is, of course, the Z value, and has valid values of 0.0 to 1.0.


The color defaults to white (with full opacity) the reason for this is that we will be reading all of our color data from the texture, not from the individual corners of the polygon. Note that although we set the opacity to 0xff, this does not preclude the texture map from using its own alpha mask.


The TU and TV values are anchors into the texture map. These values are also valid from 0.0 to 1.0. Usually, you won抰 ever want to mess with these.


Once all the vertices are set up, you unlock the rectangle to get your polygon ready for rendering.


Now that the polygon is all set up, suppose you want to alter the vertex locations (after all, not every polygon is going to be full-screen).

void Poly::SetVertRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, float d)


float left, top, right, bottom;

left = ((float)x (float)VIEWPORT_WIDTH) * 2.0f - 1.0f;

right = ((float)(x + w) (float)VIEWPORT_WIDTH) * 2.0f - 1.0f;

top = ((float)y (float)VIEWPORT_HEIGHT) * 2.0f - 1.0f;

bottom = ((float)(y + h) (float)VIEWPORT_HEIGHT) * 2.0f - 1.0f;


m_VertexBuffer->Lock( 0, 4*sizeof(CUSTOMVERTEX), (BYTE**)&pVertices, 0);

pVertices[0].position=D3DXVECTOR3( left, bottom, d );

pVertices[1].position=D3DXVECTOR3( right, bottom, d );

pVertices[2].position=D3DXVECTOR3( left, top, d );

pVertices[3].position=D3DXVECTOR3( right, top, d );



这个函数将根据传入的值(x,y,width,height)来生成新的一系列顶点,以改变这个矩形的范围。最后,它通过Lock住这个缓冲以写入改变的值。假如你想将一个sprite从屏幕的右边移动到左边的话,你可以在每一帧里调用SetVertRect(--x,y,width,height,depth)。这段代码根据传入的虚拟坐标值(基于系统的可视范围),来传换成 -1.0至1.0中的有效值。

This function translates a rectangle (x, y, width, height) into correct vertex locations, and alters the vertex buffer accordingly. If, for instance, you were slowly moving a sprite from the right side of the screen to the left you might call SetVertRect(--x, y, width, height, depth) once per frame. This code takes the assumed locations (based on a Viewport_width, Viewport_height coordinate system), and resizes them to the correct -1.0 to 1.0 value. After that, it locks the buffer and writes out the changes.


class Texture



Texture() { Clear(); }

Texture(const char * Filename) { Init(Filename); }

~Texture() { Clear(); }

void Init (const char * Filename);

void Clear();


int m_Width;

int m_Height;

int m_Pitch;



The Texture Object holds image-specific data, and the buffer to the actual texture.

void Texture::Init (const char * Filename)


TGAFile file;





MyD3D.m_pd3dDevice->CreateTexture( file.m_Width, file.m_Height, 0, 0,

D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &pTexture );


pTexture->LockRect( 0, &d3dlr, 0, 0 );

DWORD * pDst = (DWORD *)d3dlr.pBits;

int DPitch = d3dlr.Pitch4;

DWORD * pSrc = (DWORD *)file.m_PixelData;

int SPitch = file.m_Pitch4;

for (int i=0; i

for (int j=0; j

pDst[i*DPitch + j] = pSrc[i*SPitch + j];

pTexture->UnlockRect (0);



In this sample, textures are filled with TGA file data. However, reading TGA files is not the interesting thing about this function. The interesting part starts with the CreateTexture function. This function receives as parameters a width, height, image format, and the type of memory used to allocate the texture. It returns a pointer to the newly created texture.

在成功地获得缓冲的指针后,同样通过Lock来锁定texture缓冲,就像在大多数DirectX 程序那样:锁定某个资源后,通过返回的指针填写数据,最后在所有的工作完成后Unlock资源。

Once the pointer is received, we can lock the rectangle that holds that texture. Again, we follow the standard DirectX pattern of locking a resource, filling the data it points us to, and unlocking the resource.


Consider this section:

for (int i=0; i

for (int j=0; j

pDst[i*DPitch + j] = pSrc[i*SPitch + j];

这里是整个程序的关键之所在。当你操作texture的指针时,可以像过去我们所熟悉的,就像是在操作DirectDraw Surface指针。这个时候,你可以做任何你想做的事情,比方说:绘制 Bresenham直线、画圆或者绘制一个位图(就像这个例子所展示的这样)。在上面的代码中,我们从一个源位图中读取数据,并拷贝到目标位图中去。同样,我们可以指定某种颜色,用来填充目标位图,就像这样:

This is the key to the whole program. While you have access to the texture pointer, you can treat the texture just like a DirectDraw Surface Pointer. You can use this pointer to draw Bresenham lines, circles, or bitmaps (as in this sample case). In this section of code, we copy from a source bitmap to a destination bitmap. However, we could just as easily fill with a specific color:

pDst[y*Dpitch + x] = ( alpha << 24 | red << 16 | green<< 8 | blue )

另外有一点需要注意的是,上面这些函数中,我在使用其中的一些函数时,对于某些参数的具体意义没有去详细地解释它的意义,不过你可以通过查询DX8的SDK中的帮助文件,从而得到更多的信息。例如:在Lock和Unlock函数中,第1个参数是0, 这是因为每个texture(译注:在Mip-mapping的情况下纹理可能包含多个表面,所谓Mip-mapping是指为远处的物体存一个更小的版本的位图Mip-Mapping。在3D中,当物体很远,不需要细节的时候使用最小尺寸的位图。在2D中我们并不关心这个(Mip-Mapping),因此我们将是使用的纹理为单顶层表面,调用0层)都有8个"面",它意味着Lock的是第0个"面",而在2D渲染中,我们只需要使用第0个就可以了。而直到这之前,我都没有像刚才那样把每一件事都说明得很清楚,因为这已经不属于本文的范围,你应该去花时间来熟悉这些函数的使用方法。

One other point, I have glossed over several of the parameters in some of these functions, and it would be well worth the trouble to look them up in the DX8 SDK. For instance, in the Lock and Unlock functions, the first parameter is a 0, which indicates that you are locking the 0th stage identifier. Every surface has up to 8 surfaces, but for 2D rendering we only use the 0th. Since it was not needed for 2D rendering, I didn抰 mention this, however, you may still want to read up on these functions when you are implementing them.

在这个例子中,我们见到了如何在Direct3D环境下构造我们高性能的2D程序。同样,我们也知道了在不放弃过去所掌握的2D知识的情况下,如何获得DirectX8所带来的好处:更快的Blit、Alpha blending、缩放、还有很多……

In this sample we have seen how to implement Direct3D to perform fast 2D functions. Also, we have seen how we can easily gain important 2D functions (stretching, alpha blending, etc.) without sacrificing our 2D coding knowledge.


There have been some slight changes in the source that is bundled with this text, but the changes are largely cosmetic. I took out the TGA reader to make the code more readable. Download the source code here: dx8adv2d.zip

Brand Gamblin在过去的5年中一直在Microprose Hunt Valley Studio和Kinesoft Austin担任游戏程序员。不过他现在正在找工作(译注:呵呵,跟我一样^^),他还维护着他的个人主页,你可以在这里访问:http://www.niftycode.com。(有空的话,也请访问我的主页^^:http://tlovexyj.yeah.net)

Brand Gamblin has worked as a game programmer for the last five years at Microprose Hunt Valley Studio and Kinesoft Austin. He's now looking for work, and maintaining his own website at http://www.niftycode.com
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