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[Oculus&VR] Oculus Mobile Jam 2015 SDK使用说明(翻译)

发表于 2015-3-22 13:05:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Oculus Mobile Software Development Kit (SDK)
Device and Environment Setup Guide
Oculus Mobile SDK下载 https://developer.oculus.com/downloads/#sdk=any
Oculus/GearVR开发者群 302294234
I. Introduction
Welcome to the Oculus VR Mobile Software Development Kit! This SDK will demonstrate how to implement high-performance, high-quality and fully-immersive Virtual Reality applications for Samsung Gear VR.
非常欢迎使用Oculus VR 移动设备SDK。它将演示如何实现高性能、高质量、全--沉浸式虚拟现实三星 Gear VR应用。
If you are new to the SDK, this document contains all of the information you need to get started.
If you have already created a project with a previous version of the SDK, please see the document titled SDK Migration Guide for additional information specific to project migration.
如果你已经基于SDK做过项目了,请看 SDK Migration Guide这部分关于sdk的更新内容。
Application signing is a necessary aspect of fully realizing VR development with our SDK. Please be sure to read the “Initial SDK Setup” section below, which covers this important topic in this document.
使用浸入式虚拟SDK,应用的签署是一个很必要的部分。请认真阅读 “Initial SDK Setup” 这部分内容。
Visit our developer support forums at https://developer.oculus.com.
Our Support Center can be accessed at https://support.oculus.com.
I.1 System and Hardware Requirements
Please begin by making sure that you are using supported hardware and devices for this release of the Oculus Mobile SDK v. 0.4.
在开始之前必须确保你的硬件支持Oculus Mobile SDK v. 0.4
Operating System Requirements
The Oculus Mobile SDK currently supports Windows 7, Mac OS X and Linux
Oculus Mobile SDK 的开发环境支持Win7 , Mac OS X h和 Linux
Minimum System Requirements
The following computer system requirements for the Oculus Mobile SDK are based on the
Android SDK system requirements:以下是开发环境的配置要求:
●Windows: 7
●Mac OS: 10.6+ (x86 only)
●Linux: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
○GNU C Library (glibc) 2.7 or later is required
○64-bit distributions capable of running 32-bit applications
●2.0+ GHz processor
●2 GB system RAM
Supported Devices 支持的设备 (目前只支持这2个)
●Samsung Note 4  <----有人验证,国行也可以用
●Samsung Gear VR
Oculus/GearVR开发者群 302294234
Target Device Requirements 目标设备要求
●API level
    ○19 (Android 4.4.2)   <--------google SDK的版本
●VR Hardware
    ○See “Supported Devices” above.       硬件设备,就上面红字标示的2个
    ○3.0 Class 2 Bluetooth gamepad (see below)     支持3.0的蓝牙手柄,具接着看

Bluetooth Gamepad
A Bluetooth gamepad (3.0 Class 2) is necessary for testing the sample applications which come with this release. You may use the Samsung El-GP20 gamepad or a Moga Pro.For more information about the Samsung El-GP20, including specifications and key bindings, see the following: http://developer.samsung.com/s-console.
你需要一个支持蓝牙3.0的游戏手柄,可以是Samsung El-GP20 gamepad 或者是 Moga Pro,想了解更多Samsung El-GP20的东西就点这个网址进去看看。

Bluetooth Keyboard
It is useful (but not required) to have a Bluetooth keyboard during development. The Logitech K810 is known to function well.
Note: Please refer to your device product manual for additional information.

I.2 Getting Started
To become acquainted with the Oculus Home VR environment and with using Gear VR, we suggest starting with the Samsung SM-R320 User Manual and Gamepad User Manual
(bundled with the device contents).
要熟练使用Oculus Gear VR环境,你最好还是买上一整套的三星Gear VR产品。(Samsung SM-R320 就是Gear VR一代)
To dive into the SDK set up and configure your development environment, refer to Section III. Device Setup and Section IV. Android Development Environment Setup in this guide. Once your development environment and devices are set up, we recommend reviewing the following directories of the SDK documentation. There you will find some basic guidelines and recommendations for design and implementation. The key is to be innovative without sacrificing performance, and to be conservative from the start.
●Guidelines and Performance   引导和性能
●Asset Creation   资源创建

You can also find Gear VR submission information and other helpful documents at 你在这里可以找到一些关于GearVR的信息和帮助文档。

Ready to start developing?
If you are primarily interested in developing a Native Mobile VR Application, start with the Native SDK Overview, in the Native folder.
If you are primarily interested in developing a Unity Mobile VR Application, start with the Integration Guide and Unity Performance Best Practices documents in the Unity folder.
如果你是想做Unity VR产品,那就从Integration Guide 和Unity Performance文档开始,这两个都在Unity目录里。
For both Native and Unity development, we also recommend: 无论你是哪类开发者,我们都推荐
●Android Debugging in the Android folder  <------- Android目录下的Android Debugging
●Performance Analysis and Performance Guidelines documents in the Performance folder    <----- Performance目录里的性能分析
●The various documents in the Technical Notes folder.  <---Technical Notes目录中的各类技术文档

Thank you for joining us at the forefront of Virtual Reality!  感谢大家加入VR开发者大家庭!
Oculus/GearVR开发者群 302294234
II. SDK Overview
II.1 Initial SDK Setup
II.1.1 Install the SDK  安装SDK

The mobile SDK is composed of a compressed archive in .zip format which contains both source and media files: ovr_mobile_sdk_yyyymmdd.zip.
Once downloaded, extract the .zip file into a directory of your choice (e.g., C:\Oculus\Mobile).移动端的SDK是zip包,名字大概是ovr_mobile_sdk_yyyymmdd.zip.下载并解压这个zip包到你的目录。比如:C:\Oculus\Mobile

II.1.2 What’s Included 里面都有什么
Included with this SDK, you will find the following: sdk里包含了以下内容
● VrLib, the native framework for building high-performance VR Applications.  VR库
●Unity Standalone Integration for adding the VR framework to your Unity project.  Unity平台解决方案
●Example Native and Unity Projects with source to provide a basis for creating your own VR applications. 例子:原生开发和U3D的例题
●Several pre-built sample applications, some implemented in native and some in Unity.几个以前做的应用,有源生开发的也有U3D的

Unity / Native
Oculus 360 Photos
A viewer for panoramic stills.  360度环绕图片
Oculus 360 Videos
A viewer for panoramic videos. 360度环绕视频
Oculus Cinema
Plays 2D & 3D movies in a virtual movie theatre. 一个虚拟影院
Loads a scene which can be navigated using a gamepad.
A simple game example in which blocks can be thrown to knock over structures and collect stars.
An example app that renders a scene and character from Shadowg

Note: The sample applications included with the SDK are provided as a convenience for development purposes. Some of these apps also have similar versions downloadable from our app store. Due to the potential for conflict with these versions, we do not recommend running these sample apps on the same device on which you have installed your retail Gear VR Innovator experience. Please take care to secure the retail media content bundled with the SM-R320. It will be difficult if not impossible to replace.
For the Mobile SDK, we have limited pre-loaded media. Please add your own media by consulting the following table and media creation guidelines for compatibility:

Path for Media on the SD Card
Oculus Cinema - 2D Movie


Oculus\Movies\My Videos

Oculus Cinema - 3D Movie


Oculus\Movies\My Videos\3D

Oculus 360 Video - 360 degree  Panoramic video
Oculus 360 Photo (360 degree static photos)
Note: non-360 degree photos will not render properly.
II.1.3 What You Need To Run Your Own App - Oculus Signature file 如何去运行你的程序
Application signing is an important step in this process. In order to access the full functionality of the VR APIs, your app will require a temporary Oculus Signature file (osig).
When your app is ready for publication we will take care of this signing process for you. However, in order to test your app prior to store submission, you will need to generate a temporary developer signature file that is unique to your device. Please note that your app will not run properly unless it is built with the inclusion of this signature file.

应用的签名是非常重要的,你要想在VR API环境下运行,您的应用程序将需要一个临时的签名文件(osig)。
Always check our developer portal for the latest developments regarding app submission and guidelines at https://developer.oculus.com. We will continue to streamline this process to help simplify development with our SDK.
要一直关注我们的网站 https://developer.oculus.com. 我们会随时根据SDK的变动来为大家提供帮助。
To obtain an osig for your project, go to our Gear VR Signature File Generator and follow the simple instructions: https://developer.oculus.com/tools/osig/
Note that you may include multiple signature files in a single application in order to support multiple devices within your organization.
When submitting builds for publication, please ensure that these signature files have been removed.

III. Device Setup 设备相关
This section will provide information on how to setup your supported device and gamepad for running, debugging, and testing your Gear VR application.Please review "System and Hardware Requirements" above for the list of supported devices for this SDK release.
在这里将了解如何让你的设备支持蓝牙手柄并且能够运行、调试和测试你的Gear VR 游戏,请认真的看看“System and Hardware Requirements”列表里SDK支持的硬件。
Note: This information is accurate at the time of publication of this document. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the consistency or reliability of any of the third-party applications discussed
in these pages, nor can we offer support for any of the third-party applications we describe.

III.1 Setting up your System to Detect your Android Device  设置你的安卓设备
To run, debug, and test your application on an Android device, you must set up your system to detect your Android device over USB. If the device is not automatically detected by your system when connected over USB, update the drivers manually. More information can be found in the “Using Hardware Devices” section at http://developer.android.com/tools/device.html.

Windows PC开发环境
If you are developing on Windows, you need to install a USB driver for adb. For an installation guide and links to OEM drivers, see the OEM USB Drivers document. Samsung Android drivers may be found on their developer site:
Windows may automatically detect the correct device and install the appropriate drivers when you connect your device to a USB port on your computer. However, if Windows is unable to detect your device, you may still need to update the drivers through the Windows Device Manager, even if your device was automatically detected.
Access the Device Manager through the Windows Control Panel. If the device was automatically detected, it will show up under Portable Devices in the Device Manager. Otherwise, look under Other Devices in the Device Manager and select the device to manually update the driver.

To verify that the driver successfully recognized the device, open a command prompt and type the command: [mw_shl_code=applescript,true]adb devices[/mw_shl_code]
Note: You will need to successfully setup your Android development environment in order to use this command. See the next section: Android Development Environment SetupIf the device does not show up, verify that the device is turned on with enough battery power,and that the driver is installed properly.
确认驱动器成功地识别装置,打开命令提示符,输入命令:adb devices

用Mac OS和Linux的人都是高人,下面这段我就不翻译了。
Mac OS
If you're developing on Mac OS X, you do not need to install USB drivers. Your Samsung device may display a notification recommending you install Android File Transfer. A handy application for transferring files between OS X and Android.
If you're developing on Ubuntu Linux, you need to add a udev rules file that contains a USB configuration for each type of device you want to use for development. In the rules file, each device manufacturer is identified by a unique vendor ID, as specified by the ATTR{idVendor} property. For a list of vendor IDs, see USB Vendor IDs. To set up device detection on Ubuntu Linux:
1. Log in as root and create this file: /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules.
2. Use this format to add each vendor to the file: SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="04e8", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"
3. Now execute: chmod a+r /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules
In this example, the vendor ID is for Samsung. The MODE assignment specifies read/write permissions, and GROUP defines which Unix group owns the device node.
Note: The rule syntax may vary slightly depending on your environment. Consult the udev documentation for your system as needed. For an overview of rule syntax, see this guide to writing udev rules.

III.2 Configuring your Android Device for Debugging 安卓调试报告
In order to test and debug applications on your Android device, you will need to enable specific developer options on the device.
III.2.1 Note 4 Developer Options
Developer options may be found under:  按如下路径设置
Home -> All Apps -> Settings -> System -> Developer options
Developer options may be hidden by default. If so, you can expose these options with the  following steps: 一般Developer options是隐藏的,你要通过下面的方式找到他
1. Go to Home -> All Apps -> Settings -> System -> About device.
2. Scroll down to Build number.
3. Press Build number 7 times.
You should be informed that Developer options has been enabled.  你要保证Developer options是可用的
Once you have found Developer options, enable the following: 一旦可用,你将会看到
USB Debugging: This will allow the tools to install and launch deployed apps over USB.  这个Debug模式将允许你通过usb安装和启动app
Note: If the above screen does not appear, ensure that your system recognizes the device and toggle “USB Debugging” off then back on.
注意:如果这个没看到,检查一下 “USB Debugging” 是不是被打开了。
Check Always allow this computer and hit OK. To purge the authorized whitelist for USB Debugging, press Revoke USB debugging authorizations from the Developer options menu and press OK.
Allow mock locations: This will allow you to send mock location information to the device (convenient for apps which use Location Based Services)
Verify apps via USB: This will check installed apps from ADB/ADT for harmful behavior

III.2.2 Display Options 显示设置
The following display options are found in:
Home -> Apps -> Settings -> Sound and Display
Lock screen/Screen Security/Screen lock: When set to None the Home screen is instantly available, without swipe or password. Useful to quickly get in and out of the phone. 锁屏,无密码
Display/Screen timeout: Set the time to your desired duration. Useful if you are not actively accessing the device but wish to keep the screen awake longer than the default 30 seconds.超时节能

See 《Android Debugging》 for more information.  查看《Android 错误手册》查看更多细节。

IV. Android Development Environment Setup 安卓开发环境(这个就不用翻译了吧,自己看文档..........)

V. Troubleshooting  故障排除 (自己看文档吧)

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