前几天Indie引擎Unity发布了免费版。 http://unity3d.com/
结果今天Epic也发布了Unreal 3引擎免费版 - Unreal Development Kit (UDK), 不同于Unreal Tournament 3自带的Editor,UDK包括了开发基于Unreal 3引擎独立游戏的所有工具,而不是MOD,并且还附带了几个原本超级昂贵的中间件SpeedTree, Bink Video, 和 FaceFX。
免费版没有引擎源代码(Epic的家底肯定是不可能免费给的),详细情况在这里: http://www.udk.com/launch.html
Benefits of UDK include the following:
* Immediate access to Unreal Engine 3, the critically acclaimed 3D game engine technology for cross-platform game development. * Easy content creation with the Unreal Editor, a fully integrated suite of top-tier development tools, which comes complete with: o Unreal Content Browser, a revolutionary tool for browsing, searching and organizing game assets with collaborative metadata tagging system. 素材浏览器 o UnrealScript object-oriented programming language and Unreal Kismet, a visual scripting system that enables rapid prototyping on the fly. 脚本语言UnrealScript编辑器 o Unreal Matinee, a powerful tool with movie director-class controls for building in-game cinematics and gorgeous cut scenes. 过场动画制作工具 o Unreal Cascade, an advanced particle physics and environmental effects editor that aids the creation of fire, fog, explosions and other visuals. 粒子和环境效果编辑器 o NVIDIA? PhysX?-powered physics system with Unreal PhAT visual modeling tool for creating character and object physics rigs. 物理模拟工具,基于NVIDIA PhysX o Unreal Lightmass, a global illumination system that dramatically lights and shadows with minimal effort required by artists and designers. 全局光照系统 o AnimSet Viewer and AnimTree Editor, which give animators precise control over every muscle and bone movement. 肌肉和骨骼动画工具
* Time saved thanks to technology integrations with leading game development middleware tools including SpeedTree?, Bink Video?, and FaceFX?. 三个原本超级贵的中间件: 植被,过场电影,脸部表情 * Output of standalone applications: Games created with UDK run entirely on their own with no additional software required. This means anyone can make UDK content and distribute it for free. 可以制作单独的游戏,而不是MOD
估计过段时间会有大量基于Unreal 3的独立游戏。
下载: http://www.udk.com/index.html
Unreal Tournament III - Bonus DVD Tutorials for Unreal Engine 下载:http://digul.net/content/unreal-tournament-iii-bonus-dvd-tutorials-unreal-engine 简介:收藏版附带的,里面有一些Unreal Editor教程,如果你有收藏版,就不用下了。
Unreal Tournament 3 - 3D Buzz Video Tutorial Pack 下载:http://www.fileplanet.com/195417/190000/fileinfo/Unreal-Tournament-3---3D-Buzz-Video-Tutorial-Pack 简介:2008年Unreal Modding竞赛时,3D Buzz和Epic合作发布的一些教程,感觉内容非常全,包括7个部分: (1)getting started – 10 lessons (2)intro to unreal ED – 35 lessons (3)kismet – 5 lessons (4)materials – 7 lessons (5)matinee – 9 lessons (6)particles – 9 lessons (7)level construction – 15 lessons
Mastering Unreal Technology, Volume II: Advanced Level Design Concepts with Unreal Engine 3 下载:http://www.freshwap.net/ebooks/43845-mastering-unreal-technology-volume-ii.html 简介:Sams出版社Mastering Unreal Technology系列第二卷,这套书共三卷,高手必备,第一和第三卷暂时没有电子版。 下面是这三本书的Amazon连接: http://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Unreal-Technology-Introduction-Design/dp/0672329913/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1257501996&sr=1-2 http://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Unreal-Technology-II-Advanced/dp/0672329921/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1257501996&sr=1-4 http://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Unreal-Technology-III-Introduction/dp/0672330822/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1257501996&sr=1-3