在Direct3D中,顶点坐标变换通常是借助于矩阵实现的,因此下面首先介绍在Direct3D中提供的各种矩阵类型和相关的矩阵运算函数。 1、D3DMATRIX矩阵类型 D3DMATRIX是Direct3D中最简单的矩阵类型,其定义如下: typedef struct _D3DMATRIX { union { struct { float _11, _12, _13, _14; float _21, _22, _23, _24; float _31, _32, _33, _34; float _41, _42, _43, _44; }; float m[4][4]; }; } D3DMATRIX; 显然,D3DMATIX中存放的是一个4x4的二维浮点数组,可以通过_ij的格式访问该数组中的每个元素,i表示该元素的行数,j表示该元素的列数。例如,_34表示第三行、第四列的元素。 2、D3DXMATRIX矩阵类型 该类型矩阵定义如下: #ifdef __cplusplus typedef struct D3DXMATRIX : public D3DMATRIX { public: D3DXMATRIX() {}; D3DXMATRIX( CONST FLOAT * ); D3DXMATRIX( CONST D3DMATRIX& ); D3DXMATRIX( CONST D3DXFLOAT16 * ); D3DXMATRIX( FLOAT _11, FLOAT _12, FLOAT _13, FLOAT _14, FLOAT _21, FLOAT _22, FLOAT _23, FLOAT _24, FLOAT _31, FLOAT _32, FLOAT _33, FLOAT _34, FLOAT _41, FLOAT _42, FLOAT _43, FLOAT _44 );
// access grants FLOAT& operator () ( UINT Row, UINT Col ); FLOAT operator () ( UINT Row, UINT Col ) const; // casting operators operator FLOAT* (); operator CONST FLOAT* () const; // assignment operators D3DXMATRIX& operator *= ( CONST D3DXMATRIX& ); D3DXMATRIX& operator += ( CONST D3DXMATRIX& ); D3DXMATRIX& operator -= ( CONST D3DXMATRIX& ); D3DXMATRIX& operator *= ( FLOAT ); D3DXMATRIX& operator /= ( FLOAT ); // unary operators D3DXMATRIX operator + () const; D3DXMATRIX operator - () const; // binary operators D3DXMATRIX operator * ( CONST D3DXMATRIX& ) const; D3DXMATRIX operator + ( CONST D3DXMATRIX& ) const; D3DXMATRIX operator - ( CONST D3DXMATRIX& ) const; D3DXMATRIX operator * ( FLOAT ) const; D3DXMATRIX operator / ( FLOAT ) const; friend D3DXMATRIX operator * ( FLOAT, CONST D3DXMATRIX& ); BOOL operator == ( CONST D3DXMATRIX& ) const; BOOL operator != ( CONST D3DXMATRIX& ) const; } D3DXMATRIX, *LPD3DXMATRIX; #else //!__cplusplus typedef struct _D3DMATRIX D3DXMATRIX, *LPD3DXMATRIX; #endif //!__cplusplus 3、D3DXMATRIXA16矩阵类型 D3DXMATRIXA16称为16字节对齐矩阵(16-byte aligned matrix),它是从矩阵D3DXMATRIX中继承而来的,其定义如下: typedef D3DX_ALIGN16 _D3DXMATRIXA16 D3DXMATRIXA16, *LPD3DXMATRIXA16; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Aligned Matrices // // This class helps keep matrices 16-byte aligned as preferred by P4 cpus. // It aligns matrices on the stack and on the heap or in global scope. // It does this using __declspec(align(16)) which works on VC7 and on VC 6 // with the processor pack. Unfortunately there is no way to detect the // latter so this is turned on only on VC7. On other compilers this is the // the same as D3DXMATRIX. // // Using this class on a compiler that does not actually do the alignment // can be dangerous since it will not expose bugs that ignore alignment. // E.g if an object of this class in inside a struct or class, and some code // memcopys data in it assuming tight packing. This could break on a compiler // that eventually start aligning the matrix. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef __cplusplus typedef struct _D3DXMATRIXA16 : public D3DXMATRIX { _D3DXMATRIXA16() {} _D3DXMATRIXA16( CONST FLOAT * ); _D3DXMATRIXA16( CONST D3DMATRIX& ); _D3DXMATRIXA16( CONST D3DXFLOAT16 * ); _D3DXMATRIXA16( FLOAT _11, FLOAT _12, FLOAT _13, FLOAT _14, FLOAT _21, FLOAT _22, FLOAT _23, FLOAT _24, FLOAT _31, FLOAT _32, FLOAT _33, FLOAT _34, FLOAT _41, FLOAT _42, FLOAT _43, FLOAT _44 ); // new operators void* operator new ( size_t ); void* operator new[] ( size_t ); // delete operators void operator delete ( void* ); // These are NOT virtual; Do not void operator delete[] ( void* ); // cast to D3DXMATRIX and delete.
// assignment operators _D3DXMATRIXA16& operator = ( CONST D3DXMATRIX& ); } _D3DXMATRIXA16; #else //!__cplusplus typedef D3DXMATRIX _D3DXMATRIXA16; #endif //!__cplusplus 当使用了Intel Pentium 4运行一个D3DX数学函数时,16字节对齐矩阵D3DXMATRIXA16为完成相应操作进行了优化。当使用VC++.net或使用安装了processor pack的VC6++时,将开启字节对齐功能。但不幸的是,编译器无法探测到是否安装了processor pack,所以字节对齐仅仅只对VC++.net默认开启。对于其他编译器,16字节对齐矩阵D3DXMATRIXA16将被当作D3DXMATRIX进行操作。 经过扩展后的结构体D3DXMATRIX和D3DXMATRIXA16对许多运算符进行了重载,所以可以直接进行转换运算、赋值运算以及多种一元、二元运算,大大方便了矩阵类型变量的运算。 4、常见的矩阵运算函数 因为矩阵的运算相对比较复杂,所以Direct3D提供了一组矩阵运算函数,例如,通过函数D3DXMatrixTranslation()构造一个平移矩阵;通过函数D3DXMatrixRotationX()、D3DXMatrixRotationY()和D3DXMatrixRotationZ()构造绕x、y和z轴转动一定角度的矩阵;通过函数D3DXMatrixScaling()构造一个缩放矩阵;通过函数D3DXMatrxiIdentity()将一个矩阵单位化;通过函数D3DXMatrixMultiply()计算两个矩阵的积;通过函数D3DXMatrixInverse()求原矩阵的逆矩阵;通过函数D3DXMatrixTranspose()计算原矩阵的转置矩阵。